Convening Transformation Systems to Achieve System Transformation




Transformation system, System transformation, tranformation catalyst, system change


Transformation (T-) systems are innovative collections of initiatives and efforts geared to bringing about a flourishing socio-ecological system in a given context. They comprise of the totality of initiatives, people and organizations who are collectively seeking to transform a particular issue or geography in a common direction, when they attempt to align their efforts for greater effectiveness, as a result of that growing identity and self-awareness. This article explores the concept of transformation (T-) systems, and how they can become impactful organizing frames for change agents. Another innovative type of entity, the Transformation Catalyst (TC), works to connect, cohere, and amplify the work of actors and initiatives, who generally work independently, into coherent T-systems. We use evolving work in the sustainable seafood arena to illustrate these ideas.


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How to Cite

Waddock, S., Waddell, S., Jones, P. H. ., & Kendrick, I. (2022). Convening Transformation Systems to Achieve System Transformation. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 2(1), 77–100.



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