Editorial Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change

From Duality to Complementarity





polycrisis, non-reductionist thinking, Awareness-Based Systems Change, Third Spaces, Structuring for love


The editorial of this third issue of the Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change is entitled "From Duality to Complementarity," which we read as one of the central themes running through all of the contributions in this issue. It starts of by positioning the condition of our planet and current time as one of polycrisis, whose genesis defies being reduced to singular causes. We contend that Awareness-Based Systems Change as an inherently hybrid inter- and transdisciplinary field can support the co-creation of new action motivating narratives. To that end, and in order to conceive “the unbearable complexity of the world” this calls us to create, hold and tune-into spaces that are shaped by, produce and nurture a multiplicity of meanings and ways of knowing.,


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How to Cite

Koenig, O., Pomeroy, E., Seneque, M., & Scharmer, O. (2022). Editorial Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change: From Duality to Complementarity. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 2(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.47061/jabsc.v2i1.3361