Subtractive Awareness

Educator-Change Leaders Helping Transformations Happen Together




action research transformations, adult vertical development, embodiment, interdependence, narrative, reflexivity, relational, power-with


This paper is foremost about experiments in embodying a transformative narrative of a self that makes possible mutual collaborative practice with others. The focus is less on what we ought to think or do, but rather on subtracting, letting go, self-identities that are no longer fit for collaborative purpose. We refer to this as subtractive awareness by which we mean becoming aware of obstacles that inhibit creative action with others. In a time when dominant narratives call for endless growth, accumulation and addition, there is perhaps an overlooked value in subtraction practiced in support of collaboration. We align with writers such as Jason Hickel (2020), and practitioners in the degrowth movement to argue that in an era of perpetual expansion, “less is more.”


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How to Cite

Bradbury, H. M., Riedy, C., Carman, S., Pratt, S., Le Hunte, B., & Guhathakurta, M. (2023). Subtractive Awareness: Educator-Change Leaders Helping Transformations Happen Together. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 3(1), 17–38.



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