Awareness-Based Systems Change

Embedding in Place and Relationship




Awareness-Based Systems Change, Embeddedness, Regenerative Leadership, relationally, social change


This issues Editorial explores the intersection of awareness-based systems change and the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in our lives. The theme that surfaced most strongly in preparing this issue has been embeddedness, which we position as an integrative principle and onto-epistemological counterpart to AI. The Editorial goes on to highlight two defining characteristics of embeddedness, crucial also for our understanding of awareness-based systems change: its spatial/place-based and relational/relationship-based properties. In so doing we discuss the need for regenerative leadership, rooted in place-based and local solutions to global challenges, to navigate the complex realities of our time and create sustainable futures.


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How to Cite

Koenig, O., Pomeroy, E., Seneque, M., & Scharmer, O. (2023). Awareness-Based Systems Change: Embedding in Place and Relationship. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 3(1), 1–8.