Expanded Perspectives on Social Transformation in Brazil

A commentary on Cimini and Homem, “Psychopolitical Foresensing for Social Transformation (PFST): Theoretical Reflections for Action Research in Brazil towards the SDGs”


  • Michelle Sampaio Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro




Theory of change, Decolonization, Good Living, Nature-Based solutions


This commentary presents a broader perspective on the paper Psychopolitical foresensing for social transformation (PFST): theoretical reflections for action research in Brazil towards the SDGs. It is generally accepted that the current path of capitalism is accelerating the planetary climate crisis and social inequality and is bringing an individual and collective feeling of frustration.Cimini and Homem’s brings in their paper a proposal in tackle this frustration feeling through advancing the theory of change (ToC) concept by creating a framework for an action research project based on awareness-based systems change (ABSC). I highlight three relevant contexts to Brazil to be considered in their action research project: i. Decolonization and good living: concepts in Brazil’s current transformation mindset; ii. Nature-based solutions: the value of socio-biocultural diversity in Brazil; and iii. Practical experience on building a participatory ToC for the Amazon. Cimini and Homem’s proposed journey on PFST aiming to expand on ToCs approach by adding ABSC methodologies using presence-sense-reconnection, seems to be a path to integrate inner and out change with social and cultural transformation. They have a great opportunity, combined with a challenge, to plant a seed in leaders and changemakers in expanding their views of how impact can be generated. They can be bold in the PFST journey by enhancing awareness and actions, going beyond the SDGs, and bringing light to Brazil’s position as a global leader in nature-based solutions to face climate change.


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How to Cite

Sampaio, M. (2023). Expanded Perspectives on Social Transformation in Brazil: A commentary on Cimini and Homem, “Psychopolitical Foresensing for Social Transformation (PFST): Theoretical Reflections for Action Research in Brazil towards the SDGs”. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 3(1), 169–178. https://doi.org/10.47061/jasc.v3i1.6302