Radical Collaboration to Transform Social Systems

Moving Forward Together with Love, Power, and Justice


  • Adam Kahane Reos Partners




collaboration, system transformation, scenario planning, love, power, justice, multi-stakeholder processes


This article summarizes a body of practice and theory that the author has, with colleagues, built up over the past 30 years through working, in many different contexts, with teams of diverse stakeholder leaders collaborating to transform the social systems of which they are part. It tells the story of the development, through first-, second-, and third-person observations recorded in a sequence of five books plus a guidebook, of an approach to social transformation that focuses on unblocking three innate human drives that are in permanent tension: love, power, and justice.


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How to Cite

Kahane, A. (2023). Radical Collaboration to Transform Social Systems: Moving Forward Together with Love, Power, and Justice. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 3(2), 23–40. https://doi.org/10.47061/jasc.v3i2.6709