The New Paradigm Is Already Here

The Practicing of Prototypes of Future through Vertical Alignment


  • Kirsi Hakio Aalto University



vertical alignment, capacity building, care ethics, prototypes of future, case study


This paper examines how abstract concepts of alignment, such as moving between different levels of attention, were rendered visible and concrete in a nature-tourism context. The case study is a project designed to construct a prototype of a possible future culture rooted in care and awareness-based co-creation. To support the concept of vertical alignment, the paper includes an introduction to the literature on care ethics and tangible perspectives on the connections and relationships between self, others, and the larger whole. The research findings are examined through the analytical lenses generated during the research process with the idea of following how the internal abilities related to moving between different levels of attention influenced the formation of the visible outcomes and thus the emergence of the new. In light of the current global pressures for change toward human and planetary sustainability and the capacity-building needs emphasizing new inner postures and abilities to act from broader ecosystem awareness, the paper provides real-world examples of what new ways of becoming with the world could look like in practice, as everyday activities and choices.


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How to Cite

Hakio, K. (2021). The New Paradigm Is Already Here : The Practicing of Prototypes of Future through Vertical Alignment. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 1(2), 73–94.



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